EAS IHRM G23.0 (EAS Vietnam International Human Resource Management Professional G23.0) is the highest certificate for human resource management and positions and jobs that require the ability to plan human resources, arrange resources, and develop organizational strategies.
Currently, HR managers or administrators only rely on experience and knowledge from university degrees to make decisions about human resources work, so this popular model has many limitations such as lack of flexibility, only having the ability to solve problems with low levels of complexity…
Meanwhile, the explosion of information and technology in the 4.0 industrial revolution has been requiring HR managers, administrators and organizations to innovate their models and decision-making capacity regarding human resources work to cope with fierce competition and complex issues facing modern human resource management.
The birth of the EAS IHRM G23.0 certificate is an inevitable requirement of competitive reality and modern human resource management model to help HR managers, managers or teams of the organization change and develop properly to keep up with the requirements of expertise and work.
Your success, professionalism or happiness depends on strategic thinking, along with understanding of people, culture, organization, adaptability, decision-making ability associated with functional responsibility.
Possessing the EAS IHRM G23.0 (Senior Human Resources) certificate is a testament to professional management intelligence, distinct strategies and effective human resource management solutions to meet the challenges of position and work expertise.
Human resource managers must truly understand people, the environment, working conditions, and organizational culture that affect work performance. This certification will help develop professional skills and change the owner’s income. Employers use this certification as a criterion for recruiting personnel.

Regardless of what degree a candidate has or what field of expertise they work in, if they want to own this prestigious EAS IHRM G23.0 human resource management competency certificate, they also need specific conditions:
- Organizational and business fields : EAS IHRM G23.0 is for personnel working in human resources, HR Directors, Heads of Human Resources and Human Resources Administration, HR specialists… Candidates for the certificate must have at least 2 years of experience, of which at least 1 year must be in a human resources management position or higher. In addition, the certificate provides very useful human resource management knowledge for business owners, General Directors, Department Directors, Professional-Business Directors, Branch or Brand Leaders, Regions, Senior Managers, Independent Department Heads…
- Public sector : Candidates are (Deputy) Prime Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Vice Chairmen of People’s Committees at all levels, Deputy Secretaries at all levels, (Deputy) Commanders of armed forces, policy makers who want to own the EAS IHRM G23.0 certificate to ensure more effective leadership and management.
EAS IHRM G23.0 certification aims to provide and test the capacity for strategic development and system leadership, team innovation and creativity, organizational culture building, human resource operations and human resource development for global integration.

Candidates, regardless of whether they possess an undergraduate or graduate degree from a university recognized by EAS Vietnam, will undertake training or register for a certification exam within the following time frame:
EAS IHRM G23.0 | Professional Management | Non-professional Management |
Postgraduate | 30-50 credits | 50-60 credits |
Graduate | 100-120 credits | 120-130 credits |
Undergraduate | 35 credits | 45 credits |
Certification Exam | 10 credits | 15 credits |
Candidates who graduate from University Management training programs at EAS Vietnam, in addition to receiving a diploma from the training program, will receive a middle management certificate (EAS MIMP G23.0).
EAS IHRM G23.0 Certification Training
- Register online
- Consulting and capacity assessment
- Train
- Review for certification
- Certificate issuance
EAS IHRM G23.0 Certification Exam
- Register online
- Consulting and capacity assessment
- Training (not organized)
- Review for certification
- Certificate issuance
Course structure
Based on the competency framework and management knowledge for each level and specific occupational group. Copyright belongs to EAS Vietnam provides services and will only publish 30% of the general content to help learners shape their learning path, for the remaining 70% of the content, please contact SHRM Institute for advice.
- Thinking & Human Resource Management G23.0 (Level 3)
- HRM Strategy G23.0 (Level 3)
- Organization & Team G23.0 (Level 3)
- G23.0 Management Culture & Environment (Level 3)
- Human Resource Management G23.0 (Level 3)
Note: If the candidate only registers for the EAS IHRM G23.0 certification exam, the training will not be organized according to the above content but only reviewing the content will be organized and participating in the assessment to take the certification exam.
The tuition fee that students have to pay depends on the scholarship level that students achieve through interviews and personal profile review by the Scholarship Council and Academic Council of EAS Vietnam.
Training and certification candidate fees
- Regulations on training fees for Strategic credits apply a fee of VND 28,980,000/credit.
- The training fee for credits in Leadership Management, Postgraduate Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, Human Resource Director, and other professional Director programs is 11,550,000 VND/credit.
- The training fee for IUO University Administration, Middle Administration, Undergraduate Administration and Undergraduate Human Resource Management credits is 6,000,000 – 7,800,000 VND/credit.
EAS IHRM G23.0 Certification Exam Registration Fee (not included in the scholarship category)
- For candidates who only register for the EAS IHRM G23.0 certification exam, they only have to pay the assessment, review and exam fee of VND 1,250,000/credit.
Scholarship levels apply to each subject
- The scholarship level for Vietnamese citizens is from 70% – 100%.
- The scholarship level for foreign citizens (not applicable to Policy Scholarships and President’s Scholarships) is from 50% – 80%.
Every 4 months during the year, the Academic Council of EAS Vietnam will organize the opening ceremony and consider granting certificates to students studying specific qualified certificates:
Batch 1: April Batch 2: August Batch 3: December
- First exam session (April): Applications must be received no later than February 25 so that candidates have enough time to review the content for the April exam session.
- Second exam session (August): Applications must be received no later than June 25 to allow candidates enough time to review the content for the August exam session.
- Third exam session (December): Applications must be received no later than October 25 to allow candidates enough time to review the content for the December exam session.
Holders of Leadership, Middle Level, Human Resource Management, and Essential Management certifications can upgrade to receive the EAS IHRM G23.0 certification. Credit volume and content will be integrated to ensure duplication and efficiency of management activities in the form of accumulation and inheritance development.
Upgrading from a lower certificate to a higher certificate does not require the candidate to take the exam. The candidate only needs to register to transfer or upgrade and the council will make the decision to recognize.

Main Campus
Direct training at EAS Vietnam facilities

Real-time Online
Training via LMS or online Realtime

Your Office
Training at organization or location upon request